Continuous Improvement in Child & Youth Mental Health

Craigwood takes an active research role in helping to develop the best practices and therapies to achieve better outcomes for young people in our care.

Craigwood is a learning organization that contributes every day to improved understanding of how to nurture the mental health of children, youth and families. Professional development and program reviews are an ongoing process, to keep our staff current with the latest insights in our sector.

Recent Research

Investigating the Neurocognitive Correlates of Impaired Emotional Processing and Decision Making in Children with Disruptive Behaviour Disorders.
Our Intake staff are a referral source for this study. The researchers are looking at how the brain works when teenagers make decisions, solve problems or view social and emotional information. The study began in March 2016. Primary investigator is Derek Mitchell, PhD, Associate Professor, The Brain and Mind Institute, Departments of Psychiatry, Anatomy & Cell Biology and Psychology. UWO..

A Framework For Understanding And Improving Community Adaptation Processes For Youth Leaving Residential Care.
Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. The Primary Investigator is M. Preyde, PhD College of Social and Applied Human Sciences, University of Guelph. The study began in the fall of 2014.

A Multiperspective Study on Transition to Adult Care for Youth with Mental Health Issues.
To our knowledge, the project will be the first study in Canada on Mental Health transition to consider preparation for transition during early adolescence. The lead Investigator is Dr, Graham Reid, Western University  (2015).

Connecting Youth in Custody with Mental Health Services.
The project will pilot a new assessment tool, the interRAI Youth Justice Custodial Facilities, within ten secure youth justice facilities, with Craigwood being one, while having ten other facilities as a comparator group. Funded by Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) with ministry in-kind supports. Researchers come from the University of Toronto, University of Western Ontario and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Primary Investigator – Dr. P. Erickson, University of Toronto. (2014).

Additional Projects

Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behaviour: Conducted annually

Evaluating Long-Term Community Adaptation of Children: 2005 – April 2018

Participating in Residential and Intensive Family Services: Prime Researcher – Dr. G. Cameron (WLU)

Canadian Centre for Accreditation: Accreditation Site Reviews – Toronto (2014, 2017), Haldimand-Norfolk (2016), Windsor (2015)

CCA Youth Justice Standards: Critical Reader: Sept. 2014

interRAI – YJ Collaborative Action Plan Development Committee: Mar. 2013

Emerging Team in Knowledge Translation: Craigwood participated in 2008-2012

The Research Of Our Installation Of Motivational Interviewing. Researcher – Dr. M. Barwick, Research Grant Reviewer Nov. 2011

Provincial Centre of Excellence for Children and Youth Mental Health at CHEO

  • Research grant for Program Logic Evaluation Sept. 2009 – Aug. 2010
  • Research grant for Program Logic Development Sept. 2008 – Mar. 2009
  • Research grant: Evaluate Intensive Family Service Sept. 2007 – Mar. 2008
  • Research and Evaluation Presentations on Parent-Teen Group May 15, 2007
  • Two Research grants involving BCFPI & CAFAS (co-sponsored by MCYS) Jan. – Mar. 2006
  • Approved Behaviour Management Programs Orientation day Mar. 29, 2004


Patterson, A., Preyde, M., Maitland, S., Penney, R., Ashbourne, G., (2016): Self-Reported Personal Well-Being of Youth Accessing Intensive Mental Health Treatment, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 33:535–545. DOI 10.1007/s10560-016-0448-2.

Preyde, M., VanDonge, C., Carter, J., Lazure-Valconi, K., White, S., Ashbourne, G., Penney, R., Frensch, K., Cameron, G., (2014): Parents of Youth in Intensive Mental Health Treatment: Associations Between Emotional and Behavioral Disorders and Parental Sense of Competence.

Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal. DOI 10.1007/s10560-014-0375-z

Preyde, M., Watkins, H., Ashbourne, G., Lazure, K., Carter, J., Penney, R., White, S., Frensch, K., Cameron, G., (2013): Perceptions of Personal Well-Being Among Youth Accessing Residential or Intensive Home-Based Treatment, Residential Treatment for Children & Youth, 30 (1), 1-22. To link to this article:

Preyde, M., Watkins, H., Csuzdi, N., Carter, J., Lazure, K., White, S., Ashbourne, G., Cameron, G., Frensch, K., (2012). Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Behaviour in Children and Adolescents Accessing Residential or Intensive Home-Based Mental Health Services. Journal of the Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 21 (4), 270-281.